Building Materials 2

Building Materials 2

Piotr Woyciechowski, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Piotr Woyciechowski, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Head of the subject

room: 549
tel.: +48 22 234 6483
Napisz e-mail

Lecturer and Lab Tutor:

Terms and conditions:

Detailed schedule of the laboratory course (2023/2024)

Group 1

Teacher: Kamil Załęgowski, Ph.D.

  1. Hydraulic building binders: Cement binders (room 530)
  2. Non-hydraulic building binders: gypsum binders and lime binders (room 536)
  3. Testing the technical characteristics of aggregate for ordinary concrete and lightweight concrete (room 530)
  4. Composition of aggregate for ordinary concrete (iteration method) (room 536)
  5. Building mortars composition determination (room 530)
  6. Test No 1 (room 536)
  7. Introduction to concrete design (room 530)
  8. Concrete design: three equations method (room 536)
  9. Concrete design: paste method (room 530)
  10. Modification of concrete with admixtures (room 536)
  11. Modification of concrete with mineral additives (room 530)
  12. Lightweight concrete design: ITB method (room 536)
  13. Concrete conformity assessment (EN 206) (room 530)
  14. Students’ presentations (room 536)
  15. Test No 2 (room 530)

Group 2

Teacher: Joanna J. Sokołowska, Ph.D.

  1. Non-hydraulic building binders: gypsum binders and lime binders (room 536)
  2. Hydraulic building binders: Cement binders (room 530)
  3. Composition of aggregate for ordinary concrete (iteration method) (room 536)
  4. Testing the technical characteristics of aggregate for ordinary concrete and lightweight concrete (room 530)
  5. Building mortars composition determination (room 536)
  6. Test No 1 (room 536)
  7. Introduction to concrete design (room 536)
  8. Concrete design: paste method (room 530)
  9. Concrete design: three equations method (room 536)
  10. Modification of concrete with mineral additives (room 530)
  11. Modification of concrete with admixtures (room 536)
  12. Lightweight concrete design: ITB method (room 536)
  13. Concrete conformity assessment (EN 206) (room 530)
  14. Students’ presentations (room 530)
  15. Test No 2 (room 536)

Instructions for practical tasks

Laboratory report forms

Lab 6 – Test I, no report
Lab 7 – Introduction to concrete design, no report
Lab 14 – Test II, no report
Lab 15 – Students’ presentation, no report